Governance Risk and Compliance
Product planning, strategy planning, outsourcing and outsourced services, contract management, project management and program delivery, service delivery and enabling services.
Governance, Risk and Compliance practices are key business tools essential for effective decision-making activities, including product planning, strategy planning, outsourcing and outsourced services, contract management, project management and program delivery, service delivery and enabling services.
Risk Management enables a business to minimise the barriers to meeting its business objectives, thereby meeting the expectations of stakeholders.
We currently comply with and use the following Australian Standards and guidance material as a basis for benchmarking performance outcomes and the formulation of findings and recommendations:
- ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
- ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System
- AS/NZS:4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO/DIS 45001.2 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 26000:2010 Guidance on Social Responsibility
- ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management
- ISO 19600:2015 Compliance Management System
What can you do when a Government regulator finds you non-compliant?
We are experts at helping both small and large businesses become or remain compliant with various laws and regulations at an affordable price.
In simple terms, when we refer to ‘Business Compliance’ it just means a business following any relevant laws, industry standards and internal policies and procedures that has been decided may impact upon the business, employees, customers or the public. Essentially, the objective of Business Compliance is to ensure that a business acts responsibly in regard to their obligations.
Australia has an overwhelming amount of laws, regulations, standards, codes and licensing requirements all being overseen by various Federal, State or Local Government agencies. Non-Compliance with just one of these requirements could result in prosecution, fines, business interruption or loss of reputation for both the business and the business owner/officers. Compliance is no longer just reserved for the corporate governance of the business but also all operational aspects too.
The challenge for business owners is identifying what they have to be compliant with for their particular business – and then putting in systems and the culture to manage their ongoing compliance. Not an easy task when you are also focused on building your business and providing exemplary customer service.
Services available from our business include;
- Governance, Assurance, Risk and Compliance strategic desktop reviews
- Identify and interpret complex Compliance Obligations
- Verification Audits of operational Risk Management practices
- Validation Audits of operational Risk Management practices
- Comprehensive Reports and Recommendations
- Development and implementation of identified Corrective Actions
- Regulatory Management
- Risk Management
- Compliance Management, Gap Analysis and Due Diligence
- Strategic planning and development
- Product design, development and delivery
- Operational Risk Management
- Project Management
- Business Continuity Planning
- Incident Management & Emergency Response Planning
- Critical Infrastructure Security Planning
- Corporate Governance
- …plus many more
Our clients are diverse and include;
- Construction
- Hospitality
- Health & Aged Care Providers
- Medical Practices
- Real Estate Agencies
- Registered Training Organisations
- Liquor Licensing Venues
- …plus many more
Comprehensive reports are produced mapping the results against the relevant elements of the Standard involved. We can also facilitate a risk criteria and risk appetite workshop with clients, Boards or Directors.
We can develop;
- an Enterprise Risk Management Framework
- an Enterprise Compliance Management Framework
- Legislative, Regulatory, Risk and HSEQ Registers
- Corporate Governance Policies and Plans
- Policies and Procedures
- a Strategic Risk Profile
- a Critical Infrastructure Security Plan
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